hello wives,

i know i said that i was back and it’s been 3 months since my last post, but i have been listening and learning which has caused me to be still, so let me say i’m sorry to those of you that have missed my writing! and to those of you that have not read my blogs yet, please accept what i am offering as my very best heartfelt expression of my passion 🙂

let me start by saying “happy summer solstice”! this is such an exciting time for change and transformation, so i invite you to please take a moment and celebrate the changing of the seasons, the beauty of nature and the abundance of blessings!

i recently started taking yoga and my yoga instructors always start our practice with some type of inspirational quote, and this one really resonates with me at this time in my life…follow your bliss~joseph campbell

what is bliss?  well, i’m glad you asked 🙂  bliss~perfect happiness; great joy; something providing such happiness…what i’ve realized, is this is not that easy to do until you decide that YOUR perfect happiness is most important!  following that thing that brings you great joy is when it’s definitely ok to be a follower 🙂  the lesson is, to allow yourself to seek out this bliss and go after it with a never-ending passion, and the challenge is to ignore the chatter along the way…you know, the chatter that people so freely express when bliss is on the horizon…are you serious about this, it can’t be done…you’re too old to be chasing a dream…you’re too young to know what you want…you’re married, you have to think about your family…

listen! not to me, but to that thing that is calling out to you, that thing that keeps showing up in your dreams, that thing that makes you smile as it runs across your brain…the time is now!  move through this experience with purpose and passion and you will have no more regrets…what are you waiting for?

i have something inside of me that just won’t be quiet and i am paying attention…taking notes…smiling…crying…praying…allowing & enjoying the stretching of my inner self as it pushes me to take on the outer world 😉

*what am i saying?…i’m saying trust your inner self, listen to your inner self and follow your inner journey on the road to bliss…perfect happiness 😉

*here’s what i know…following your bliss will manifest the dreams and desires of your heart!