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the womanly wife!

hello wives,

WE ARE WOMEN!!! ok, now that we have that straight, let’s celebrate that!  being a woman is so powerful, but yet some of us don’t recognize our own power…ladies, please use your power for good and not evil 😉

totally embracing our womanness(this just sounds yummy) is not only exciting, but necessary in the process of acceptance…when i say acceptance, i mean accepting our true power, our sexy, our thought process, our place in this world…we are women and in our case, we are married women!  i love being a woman and i love being married!  i am more and more excited about being a woman everyday, i am learning daily how to enjoy being feminine, sweet and sexy!  i love when my husband treats me gentle and handles me with care…it’s sexy and makes me feel happy to be a woman 🙂 as wives, we have to embrace being a womanly wife, we support, uplift, respect, and most of all, we pray for our husbands.  we allow our husbands to lead us, stand in their place in our families and in the world reassuring them that we are a faithful and loyal partners on this journey beside them.

i know we have all heard about “act like a lady , think like a man”…well, i understand the message, however, i want us as women to be clear about how “WE” think.  we can only be women…we are complex, emotional, and sometimes irrational, but we are who we are.  there is no thinking like a man when you’re a woman, it doesn’t suit you…think like a real, grown, sexy, spiritually led woman and you will attract that in a man 🙂  the challenge is waiting, waiting for your moment…but if you wait and move through this experience in all of your yummy womanness, you will reap a harvest so plentiful that was carefully crafted just for you 🙂

what am i saying? i’m saying that there is something so beautifully wonderful and passionately powerful about being a woman, but we must accept this and operate in that for true happiness!

*here’s what i know…being a woman has a quiet power that can change the universe as we know it 🙂

the blissful wife!

hello wives,

i know i said that i was back and it’s been 3 months since my last post, but i have been listening and learning which has caused me to be still, so let me say i’m sorry to those of you that have missed my writing! and to those of you that have not read my blogs yet, please accept what i am offering as my very best heartfelt expression of my passion 🙂

let me start by saying “happy summer solstice”! this is such an exciting time for change and transformation, so i invite you to please take a moment and celebrate the changing of the seasons, the beauty of nature and the abundance of blessings!

i recently started taking yoga and my yoga instructors always start our practice with some type of inspirational quote, and this one really resonates with me at this time in my life…follow your bliss~joseph campbell

what is bliss?  well, i’m glad you asked 🙂  bliss~perfect happiness; great joy; something providing such happiness…what i’ve realized, is this is not that easy to do until you decide that YOUR perfect happiness is most important!  following that thing that brings you great joy is when it’s definitely ok to be a follower 🙂  the lesson is, to allow yourself to seek out this bliss and go after it with a never-ending passion, and the challenge is to ignore the chatter along the way…you know, the chatter that people so freely express when bliss is on the horizon…are you serious about this, it can’t be done…you’re too old to be chasing a dream…you’re too young to know what you want…you’re married, you have to think about your family…

listen! not to me, but to that thing that is calling out to you, that thing that keeps showing up in your dreams, that thing that makes you smile as it runs across your brain…the time is now!  move through this experience with purpose and passion and you will have no more regrets…what are you waiting for?

i have something inside of me that just won’t be quiet and i am paying attention…taking notes…smiling…crying…praying…allowing & enjoying the stretching of my inner self as it pushes me to take on the outer world 😉

*what am i saying?…i’m saying trust your inner self, listen to your inner self and follow your inner journey on the road to bliss…perfect happiness 😉

*here’s what i know…following your bliss will manifest the dreams and desires of your heart!

the focused wife!

hello wives!

i’m back!!!!!!! i have been gone for quite some time on somewhat of a forced hiatus and it’s been a learning experience of course…my biggest lesson has been focus!

somewhere along the way i lost my balance and fell off my focus, but through a series of small events and my angels whispering in my ear, i have found my focus again and i am moving forward with promise and purpose.

in these past few months, i have learned so much, but the most important lesson that was made very clear to me was that your passion is your purpose…focus on your passion and you will be staring your purpose right in the face! as far back as i can remember, i have wanted to be a wife…the one he puts on a pedestal, the one where he finds peace and happiness, the one he considers his partner in the game of life…but with that being said, there are many facets to being a wife and many hats that we must wear, so focus and balance are imperative to move through this experience.

as i have engaged other women in conversation, the topic of focus and balance are very common as we put the “s” on our chest and set out to care for all those we come in contact with…and in this, we can easily lose sight of passion and purpose.  so, it is imperative that we maintain balance and maintain a connection to our inner voice that guides us through this life.  so what am i saying…i’m saying that this life is way too short for purpose not to be fulfilled, so slow down, focus and balance your life in a way that will allow your passion and purpose to manifest.

here’s what i know…passion and purpose are very real and we must fight to maintain the balance that is required to manifest that very passion and purpose!

the blessed wife!

hello wives,

i have been in meditation for quite some time…which is why i have not been writing, but i have gained great insight about what i am calling to myself…and this makes me happy beyond belief 🙂

in my time away, so many blessings have crossed my path and for that, i am truly a blessed wife!

by definition blessed means…to make holy, invoke divine favor upon, honored in worship, held in reverance, enjoying happiness, bringing pleasure, contentment or good fortunate…so again i say, i am truly a blessed wife! my prayer is that you can say the same, know it and live it 🙂

i also traveled during my little hiatus and i was reminded how blessed i really am, it’s not that my traveling experience was anything bad, it was actually with family, however, i learned a great deal about myself. i am a wife in every since of the word…i missed my responsibilities of being a wife…making sure my husband is up and out of the door on time, his work shirt ironed, lunch ready, keeping a nice, clean home, walking my dogs, caring for my fish & my plants, grocery shopping, cooking, washing clothes…yes, i learned that i love this list, i was made this way! i never realized how much until i was away. i can truly say that i love making his life…easier, sweeter, organized, comfortable, pleasant, peaceful, happy & yes blessed 😉

i have worked since i was 14 years old and after suddenly being out of work, i was forced to refocus and so i said to myself…”i am going to be the best wife i can be”…”i am going to be the best writer i can be”!…i have created exactly what i said i would!

this is really simple ladies…commit to your marriage with all the passion and love you can imagine and your result will be the same as mine…blessed!

of course, this type of commitment can be focused on anything in your life, but my purpose is to bring us back to pure spirit love…spirit love is the only way to obtain such a blessed life! what is spirit love? i’m glad you asked 🙂 this love is felt from your spirit and can only enhance any situation or relationship…so don’t try and understand it, just allow spirit love to be spirit love 🙂

what am i saying? i’m saying, let’s get out of our own way and be spirit led to a blessed life 🙂

*here’s what i know…if we allow spirit love to rule our existence, we are destined for a blessed and happy life 🙂

the “I AM” wife!

hello wives!


in our walk as a wife we must understand and know how our spirit and energy impacts our marriage and environment…I AM the fullness of God! I AM the door and the spirit that walks through it…I AM the thinker and the thought…I AM the lover and the loved…how do we get to this space in our conciousness?? i’m glad you asked 😉 we must operate in it by faith and have patience to allow the manifestation of it…

as a wife, we tend to lose ourselves in our marriage and children…and some would say that this is natural, that this is what we are supposed to do, however, my thought is that if you lose yourself, than you are just that…lost…and how can a lost person help meet your needs or help you find your way??  if we would operate in the fullness of who we truly are, than the energy in our environment would allow for others to do the same.  we often times don’t believe the way we should, we let society, friends and family dictate that for us, and this my friends is where the conflict in our spirit occurs…our spirit knows, but we continue to question what we believe simply because someone else doesn’t believe it to be so.  i often wonder why we choose conflict over resolution??  we are resolution…yet we chose to be conflict and this is true in most areas of our life…our marriage is being taken to a new level of freedom and conciousness, and we are met with the thought pattern that we must operate our marriage like most people, now here comes the conflict instead of resolution of what we already know…we know we should make healthier choices, but instead we chose to cause conflict in our bodies instead of manifesting resolution of what we already know…we wholeheartedly believe in something, but as soon as we share it with someone and their response is not favorable, the conflict immediately starts in our minds and we begin to question the resolution we already know…where is the trust?  where is the knowing?  in a place that we must conciously tap into in order to bring about the manifestations of the heart…your spirit!


what am i saying? i’m saying we are fully equipped to manifest it…whatever your it is! 

*here’s what i know…I AM resolution and that definately makes for a happy wife!


the free wife!

hello wives,

i apologize ladies, but my vacation took over my mind and then i needed a vacation from my vacation :)…so my mind and body have had some time to regroup and i learned on this vacation that i really love being married.  this vacation was two weeks (well, really more like three because my family came back with me to spend some time in new orleans) spent without my husband and i truly enjoyed my time with my family and friends, but i was truly grateful that after it was over i was going to be alone with my best friend in the whole world.  he reminds me that life can be simple and it’s ok, that the house doesn’t always have to be spotless and it’s ok, that it’s ok to take a nap in the middle of the day if i’m tired, even if the kitchen is dirty, that i am truly beautiful even when i don’t “feel” like it, that i can be the standard to live by…“free” to be 😉

i learned that we women are really hard on ourselves for even the smallest things and we are our worst critics.  we have an unspoken life guide that we often torture ourselves with and so when we are not where we think we should be, we begin to grade ourselves based on this life guide.  i am on a mission to “free” myself and other women from this.  we must understand that we are right where we are supposed to be, we must understand that while we’re busy making plans…life is happening and we are not paying attention! we need to understand that life is a journey, not a destination we are trying to reach.  it’s in the “being” happy, grateful, content, present, aware and connected…that we are truly getting from this life what was intented for us.  every relationship we participate in is a learning and teaching experience, however, we must “be” open to learn and “be” willing to teach…this is where freedom is! learning is freeing because you can let go of what is no longer adding to your journey and learn new ways to experience it, and teaching is freeing because what you have for someone else was put in you for just that reason…to free someone else! 

what am i saying?? i am saying “free” yourself from the life guide of the world and make your own rules to happiness!  some may think that this is difficult to achieve in a marriage, however, i would say that it is only as difficult as you make it.  the only requirements are honesty, respect, understanding and support 😉 

*here’s what i know…”being” happy, grateful, content, present, aware and connected are direct links to “being free”!

the seeing wife!

hello wives,

experiencing writer’s block is somewhat frustrating and discouraging, however, the challenge is…to remove the block. in my experience that process begins by just writing, writing, and more writing. 🙂

for the past 7 months i have been existing in a place of such uncertainty(in my mind) and complete clarity at the same time. being unemployed after working for so long can cause you to experience all types of emotions good and bad. this type of freedom brings you to the realization of how you co-create your life, how you spend your days, what you do to move forward and not get stuck in such a small place. we must be determined to exist in the space we choose and not a place that has been chosen for us.

there are moments in our lives when we feel like we are hitting road blocks or experiencing stagnation, well, it happens to everyone at some point. we can not allow ourselves to get stuck and not move forward. the challenge is…to SEE yourself on the other side of the moment, and it is just that…a moment. 🙂 a moment in which thoughts, often times determine your choice, so…what thoughts are you thinking? as women and wives we tend to be hard on ourselves in moments like this, but we need to lighten up, give ourselves a break, take a nice long deep breath, give ourselves a moment of silence, and it is then and only then will we begin to experience some clarity about where we are and where we’re going. it’s ok…give yourself ten minutes alone, an afternoon cup of tea with nothing but silence playing in your ear, steal away to your secret place and reconnect to that little girl inside of you that loves to laugh, be alone, be still, be quiet and listen because in these little moments when we are doing nothing, we are doing everything the universe wants us to do…allowing, understanding, accepting, believing, receiving and connecting to the part of us that is…ok, happy, peaceful, joyful and grateful.

* here’s what i know…silence doesn’t mean nothing is being said…change takes place in the listening 🙂

the powerful wife!

hello wives,

do you understand the power you have?

on my journey as a happy wife, i am discovering and understanding more about everything everyday…my prayer is that you are too. i am a lover of reading and will read most anything in the hopes of experiencing life from the writer’s pen. i am currently reading, “you can heal your life” by louise l. hay and recommend it to anyone that may need healing in any area of their life. i am not promoting religion or a belief system, i am simply sharing information that i found to be helpful on my journey 🙂

she wrote this statement…”the point of power is always in the present moment”…this is the most precious advice anyone can share. in this one statement there is so much life! which brings me to my point…power…is defined as the ability or capacity to perform or act effectively. what does this mean? i’m glad you asked 😉 this means, the past does not matter, the future is yet to come, but the present, oh man, the present is the only thing that matters. where you are right now, what you’re doing right now…if you don’t love it, if it does not make you smile from your spirit…change it! this is what i mean by power, it belongs to you, it’s your birthright! the question…what are you going to do about it right now? the answer…whatever you want!

the hardest part for some people is believing that they have this kind of power, well ladies, believe it! we have the power to create the desires of our pure hearts. so what do you want? great health? happy and healthy children? successful business? long and happy marriage? it’s quite simple, whatever you feed will grow…take control of the situations in your life and feed them with positivity and love and manifest your true desires.

what am i saying? well, our lives are a reflection of what we have invested in them…we get what we give…are you happy?

*here’s what i know…we have the power to change the course of our life and it’s as simple as a thought!

the understanding wife!

hello wives,

with every day that goes by, i try to understand more of what is and i find myself learning more about who i am…i am understanding that i will forever be learning about myself. i once thought that when you become an adult…that’s who you are, but i am finding out that we are constantly becoming. well, i guess i should say… if we keep our eyes open, we will see the changes in ourselves everyday.

to quote the songwriter india arie…”the only thing constant in the world…is change, so today i take life as it comes”. that is truly saying a lot! understanding that there is and always will be change and then accepting that change. sounds like a fairly simple concept, however, i am understanding that it’s not so simple. everyday that you wake up is different from the day before…and i really want you to hear me on this…everyday is different and change is good! some people don’t like change, they find change to be uncomfortable and inconvenient, an interruption to the life that they have worked so hard to create. it is my opinion that we must embrace change, not just because we know that it is coming, but because we get to understand ourselves a little bit more through change. the way in which we respond to it is crucial to the understanding of it all!

i am currently in a place that is completely foreign to me, however, the understanding of who i am and what my purpose is has never been more familiar. i understand that my purpose here is to simply spread love…through every action that i take, and this is more complex than it appears, because life happens, emotions arise, and ego seldom takes a break, and we as a culture have built so many walls all in the name of “doing me”, that it’s very common for a fellow walker or jogger to do everything in their power to avoid eye contact with you (as if eye contact may spark a real connection between us as people)…i mean really, who needs to connect with the possibility of it changing their agenda? some may consider this to be old-fashioned, but i can’t be the only one that considers this to be a huge disconnect between people. with that being said…i understand my mission and i also understand that i will learn something new everyday…if i choose to 🙂

*here’s what i know…if you keep your eyes open, you will see something new everyday…in the world and in yourself 😉

the grateful wife!

hello wives,

i am by definition a grateful wife, which means warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received…but i have my moments. 😉 i try to remind myself everyday to be truly grateful…and yet sometimes it doesn’t work. it is in those times that i realize that i am disconnected from the source that is grateful and i must reconnect immediately.

today i was having one of those moments and then i opened an email from my mother that is traveling in france with some friends…i was expecting to read about her many discoveries and all about the great food, however, what i read was heart wrenching. i read a couple of sentences about her experience so far and then my eyes came upon the reason for her email…one of her dear friends had suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. i immediately began to pray and my heart went out to her family that was traveling to france to be with her during this unexpected reality.

i battle with the emotion of being grateful that my mom was typing this email, instead of one of the other mothers typing it to their daughters about my mom. i also struggle with sadness because her family is traveling to such a beautiful place for such a sad occasion, yet i know that if it were my mom, i would not be able to travel to be with her. life is so unexpected…

when we are little and dream about our future, we often leave out the small details of life as we journey toward that dream. i can say that i don’t recall putting feelings of abandonment, low self-esteem, identity crisis, emotional, spiritual, or physical abuse, being flooded out of my city, unemployment, and the struggle to conceive a baby on the list of experiences to have along the way…but i will say this, i’m grateful. and by that i mean, grateful that i survived to understand the triumph after tragedy experience. it is like no other experience…you somehow connect to that source that is inside of you and it instinctively will pull you directly into triumph.

i am presently experiencing life with the understanding that…life is what you create it to be…and i am grateful for it. i have opened up my heart to expect that life will happen…and while it is happening i expect to learn more about my part in this creation.

*here’s what i know…being grateful causes more experiences for you to be grateful 🙂

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