Tag Archive: love

the focused wife!

hello wives!

i’m back!!!!!!! i have been gone for quite some time on somewhat of a forced hiatus and it’s been a learning experience of course…my biggest lesson has been focus!

somewhere along the way i lost my balance and fell off my focus, but through a series of small events and my angels whispering in my ear, i have found my focus again and i am moving forward with promise and purpose.

in these past few months, i have learned so much, but the most important lesson that was made very clear to me was that your passion is your purpose…focus on your passion and you will be staring your purpose right in the face! as far back as i can remember, i have wanted to be a wife…the one he puts on a pedestal, the one where he finds peace and happiness, the one he considers his partner in the game of life…but with that being said, there are many facets to being a wife and many hats that we must wear, so focus and balance are imperative to move through this experience.

as i have engaged other women in conversation, the topic of focus and balance are very common as we put the “s” on our chest and set out to care for all those we come in contact with…and in this, we can easily lose sight of passion and purpose.  so, it is imperative that we maintain balance and maintain a connection to our inner voice that guides us through this life.  so what am i saying…i’m saying that this life is way too short for purpose not to be fulfilled, so slow down, focus and balance your life in a way that will allow your passion and purpose to manifest.

here’s what i know…passion and purpose are very real and we must fight to maintain the balance that is required to manifest that very passion and purpose!

the blessed wife!

hello wives,

i have been in meditation for quite some time…which is why i have not been writing, but i have gained great insight about what i am calling to myself…and this makes me happy beyond belief 🙂

in my time away, so many blessings have crossed my path and for that, i am truly a blessed wife!

by definition blessed means…to make holy, invoke divine favor upon, honored in worship, held in reverance, enjoying happiness, bringing pleasure, contentment or good fortunate…so again i say, i am truly a blessed wife! my prayer is that you can say the same, know it and live it 🙂

i also traveled during my little hiatus and i was reminded how blessed i really am, it’s not that my traveling experience was anything bad, it was actually with family, however, i learned a great deal about myself. i am a wife in every since of the word…i missed my responsibilities of being a wife…making sure my husband is up and out of the door on time, his work shirt ironed, lunch ready, keeping a nice, clean home, walking my dogs, caring for my fish & my plants, grocery shopping, cooking, washing clothes…yes, i learned that i love this list, i was made this way! i never realized how much until i was away. i can truly say that i love making his life…easier, sweeter, organized, comfortable, pleasant, peaceful, happy & yes blessed 😉

i have worked since i was 14 years old and after suddenly being out of work, i was forced to refocus and so i said to myself…”i am going to be the best wife i can be”…”i am going to be the best writer i can be”!…i have created exactly what i said i would!

this is really simple ladies…commit to your marriage with all the passion and love you can imagine and your result will be the same as mine…blessed!

of course, this type of commitment can be focused on anything in your life, but my purpose is to bring us back to pure spirit love…spirit love is the only way to obtain such a blessed life! what is spirit love? i’m glad you asked 🙂 this love is felt from your spirit and can only enhance any situation or relationship…so don’t try and understand it, just allow spirit love to be spirit love 🙂

what am i saying? i’m saying, let’s get out of our own way and be spirit led to a blessed life 🙂

*here’s what i know…if we allow spirit love to rule our existence, we are destined for a blessed and happy life 🙂

the powerful wife!

hello wives,

do you understand the power you have?

on my journey as a happy wife, i am discovering and understanding more about everything everyday…my prayer is that you are too. i am a lover of reading and will read most anything in the hopes of experiencing life from the writer’s pen. i am currently reading, “you can heal your life” by louise l. hay and recommend it to anyone that may need healing in any area of their life. i am not promoting religion or a belief system, i am simply sharing information that i found to be helpful on my journey 🙂

she wrote this statement…”the point of power is always in the present moment”…this is the most precious advice anyone can share. in this one statement there is so much life! which brings me to my point…power…is defined as the ability or capacity to perform or act effectively. what does this mean? i’m glad you asked 😉 this means, the past does not matter, the future is yet to come, but the present, oh man, the present is the only thing that matters. where you are right now, what you’re doing right now…if you don’t love it, if it does not make you smile from your spirit…change it! this is what i mean by power, it belongs to you, it’s your birthright! the question…what are you going to do about it right now? the answer…whatever you want!

the hardest part for some people is believing that they have this kind of power, well ladies, believe it! we have the power to create the desires of our pure hearts. so what do you want? great health? happy and healthy children? successful business? long and happy marriage? it’s quite simple, whatever you feed will grow…take control of the situations in your life and feed them with positivity and love and manifest your true desires.

what am i saying? well, our lives are a reflection of what we have invested in them…we get what we give…are you happy?

*here’s what i know…we have the power to change the course of our life and it’s as simple as a thought!

the understanding wife!

hello wives,

with every day that goes by, i try to understand more of what is and i find myself learning more about who i am…i am understanding that i will forever be learning about myself. i once thought that when you become an adult…that’s who you are, but i am finding out that we are constantly becoming. well, i guess i should say… if we keep our eyes open, we will see the changes in ourselves everyday.

to quote the songwriter india arie…”the only thing constant in the world…is change, so today i take life as it comes”. that is truly saying a lot! understanding that there is and always will be change and then accepting that change. sounds like a fairly simple concept, however, i am understanding that it’s not so simple. everyday that you wake up is different from the day before…and i really want you to hear me on this…everyday is different and change is good! some people don’t like change, they find change to be uncomfortable and inconvenient, an interruption to the life that they have worked so hard to create. it is my opinion that we must embrace change, not just because we know that it is coming, but because we get to understand ourselves a little bit more through change. the way in which we respond to it is crucial to the understanding of it all!

i am currently in a place that is completely foreign to me, however, the understanding of who i am and what my purpose is has never been more familiar. i understand that my purpose here is to simply spread love…through every action that i take, and this is more complex than it appears, because life happens, emotions arise, and ego seldom takes a break, and we as a culture have built so many walls all in the name of “doing me”, that it’s very common for a fellow walker or jogger to do everything in their power to avoid eye contact with you (as if eye contact may spark a real connection between us as people)…i mean really, who needs to connect with the possibility of it changing their agenda? some may consider this to be old-fashioned, but i can’t be the only one that considers this to be a huge disconnect between people. with that being said…i understand my mission and i also understand that i will learn something new everyday…if i choose to 🙂

*here’s what i know…if you keep your eyes open, you will see something new everyday…in the world and in yourself 😉

the healthy wife!

hello wives,

i am going to take my chances and say most people want to live a healthy lifestyle, however, how many of us are actually making it happen for ourselves and our families? is being healthy important to you? is your family’s’ health important to you? how many of us truly put our health high on our priority list? i, for one will be the first to admit…i could make healthier choices, i could be more disciplined when it comes to exercise, i could take the extra time in the store and the kitchen making sure my family has healthy choices…why do i procrastinate with such important decisions? well, just yesterday i had a health consultation and learned that it’s not that hard to make better choices, you just have to want to. we could be blocking blessings in our life simply because we didn’t change our mind and choose a better thought!

well, i’m sure i’m not alone in this, i’m sure i’m not the only one that can do better…so, let’s choose health! 😉 being healthy is the best thing we can do for ourselves and our family. as i understand the power that i own, i accept the reality of what i have created and am excited that i can create something different…and that something different is…a happier and healthier me!

being healthy consist of so many things and the one most people think of first is their body…am i eating right, getting regular exercise, getting enough rest? being healthy consist of education, discipline, decision making and listening to your body…and when we make these choices, everyone benefits. we are all different and our bodies need different things…yes, our body talks to us and let’s us know when we’re going in the right direction, but often times we choose not to listen. we choose to listen to our wants, desires and cravings even when sometimes these choices don’t benefit us. i think the key here is balance…if we pay attention, we know when we are out of balance. this is not the easiest to accomplish, but with prayer all things are possible and we will be better and feel better for it.

a healthy wife has a healthy family! the family may not make the same choices, but it’s not about that, it’s about making the best choices for yourself first and with prayer your family will see what being healthy has done for you and prayerfully will want that for themselves.

we must also remember that health includes mind and spirit. we often separate the areas of our life, but please be reminded that everything flows together as a whole, so when we feel off or disconnected, something somewhere is being neglected and needs some attention.

*here’s what i know…a balanced life is a healthy and happy one 😉

the happy wife!

hello wives!

this blog is for us! you may have heard of the scripture, “he that findeth a wife, findeth a good thing”, well i definitely agree with that, but kinda wish it went something like…”he that findeth a happy wife is blessed beyond measure and has hit the love jackpot!” 😉

are you a happy wife?  and by happy, i mean delighted, pleased, fortunate, joyful, pleasant, calming…i think you know where i’m going with this.  i have heard many statistics about divorce…marriage is over-rated, happy marriages don’t really exist, swinging couples are happier than monogamous couples…well i won’t subscribe to that way of thinking.  marriage is like anything else in life, you get out of it what you put into it.  you very seldom hear about happily married couples, so i am here to shine the light on happy marriages! 😉

i am what most people call a newlywed because i am just approaching 3 years of marriage, so some might say what makes me an expert on marriage, well i’m not, but what i can say is that my marriage is rock solid.  my marriage has survived some life changing moments and without question i can say that we are spirits being united from before this time, however, this is not my first marriage.  yes, i have been married before and it didn’t last very long because we were not mentally or spiritually ready for the journey.  this is something that i was fully aware of going into my current marriage.  one of the most important factors in a happy marriage is knowledge of true self and presenting your true self to your mate.  it’s the only way! 

so, let’s talk about happiness…what is it really?  well, first, happiness is a choice and we must understand that to be happy, we must choose it.  we must know that our happiness is our sole responsibility, not our mates, but ours!  now, true happiness comes from knowing your true self, and getting to this point is easier said than done, but it is necessary for this journey.  once you know this, you must love yourself completely, and if you don’t, then i suggest you make the choice to change into someone who you truly love, because you can not expect someone to properly love you when you can’t properly love yourself.  now, once you’re in love with yourself, it makes it so much easier for someone else to find you loveable too.  here’s where it can get tricky…you meet this someone and they love you, but…so listen closely, if there is a but, there is a problem…the person that truly loves you from the inside out, will do just that, love you, ALL of you!  so when this person gets you, i mean really gets you and still can say i love you, i want you in my life, i choose to spend the rest of my life with you…that my fellow wives is true, unconditional, spirit love…and this is how happy marriages survive! 😉

so, with that being said, i know i’m not the only one that is experiencing this love, so let’s talk about it!  let’s bond together and make happy marriages the ones that people talk about!  let’s put happy wives back on top where we belong!

*here’s what i know…a happy marriage is obtainable!

happy wives stand up!  let’s take this journey together and uplift, encourage, share, unite, understand and assist each other…stay tuned for more!

Lakay Liberte

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